It's been a tough few days but everyone, across the Group, has been working around the clock to provide online learning and keep our staff and students safe. I have been absolutely blown away by the commitment and dedication our staff have shown towards their students and the organisation. I have also been touched by the every acts of kindness, which have clearly shown that there is strength in community and that out of every crisis will eventually come some good.

As we start a new way of learning and working this week, I want to thank students and staff for their extraordinary efforts in these unprecedented circumstances.

To our staff, Thank you for everything you are doing to support our students and our communities.

Your efforts have meant, amongst many other things, that:

  • Technology arrangements are up and running for remote working and learning for our staff and students.
  • Students, aged 16 to 18, who receive financial support and free meals will continue to receive those payments. 
  • A plan is in place to support our most vulnerable learners, including daily contact by telephone or online.
  • Our SEND learners have been provided with offline resources where virtual learning is not possible.

To our students,

Thank you for working with us and making the transition to remote learning.

Please stay safe and well, stay at home and follow official advice about preventing the spread of the Coronavirus. By doing that you will protect yourself, your family, local community, the NHS and other frontline staff working around the clock to help us all.

I understand that this is an anxious and unsettling time for some of you. If you are feeling anxious, there’s some really helpful guidance from Young Minds here.

Keeping up with your studies will also support your wellbeing by helping you to establish a new routine. If you are finding remote learning a challenge and would like some emotional support, remember, although our physical campuses may be closed, our Student Support Team are still here to help you.  They can be contacted, Monday to Friday on or call 020 3954 4485.

Remember, your tutors are here for you too via email as via the other technology that teaching colleagues are using to stay in touch with you.

For more useful advice and links, please check our FAQs here as well as our Twitter and Facebook pages, where we’ll continue to update our advice and guidance on a regular basis.

Although it may be difficult to believe this right now, a time will come when this difficult situation will have passed. In the meantime, we’re still here to support you every step of the way.

Best wishes 


Dr Sam Parrett OBE
CEO and Group Principal
London South East Education Group